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Ware to bring new curriculum, infrastructure, superintendent in 2023

Date: 1/11/2023

WARE – On the downward slope of the 2022-2023 school year, Superintendent Dr. Marlene DiLeo reflects on all that has been accomplished and what to look forward to as the year progresses.

Nearly three calendar years since the coronavirus pandemic began, DiLeo said the school is still working to return to a “place of consistency” and closing the learning gaps that have been created.

Some of the ongoing challenges have been staffing, filling vacant positions and finding substitutes. However, DiLeo noted that right after Thanksgiving in 2022, the district became fully staffed. She shared that the schools have worked to obtain a psychologist, engineer and paraprofessionals for some time. Now, DiLeo said she can say there is a full roster of staff for the first time in a year and a half. Although staffing has seen an improvement, she explained that there are still challenges in finding substitutes and attracting people into education.

DiLeo went on to say that COVID-19 has not left. Amid the cold and flu season, she noted that numbers are rising – making it difficult for people to be in school as much as possible. “Being in school full-time is important for everyone,” she added.

After missing out on in-person activities for so long, DiLeo noted that most activities have returned.

“With challenges comes opportunities,” she said.

Regarding projects in the schools, DiLeo shared that three boilers have been put in at the Ware Junior Senior High School (WJSHS).

“I remodeled the fitness room at the [Ware] Junior Senior High School,” said DiLeo. This includes the purchasing of new workout equipment, a new floor, a fresh coat of paint and more. A dozen new cycling bikes were also purchased for the gymnasium.

At the elementary school, DiLeo said they are awaiting a new playground. She explained that a playground will be constructed for pre-K use as well as K-3. The company responsible for the installation will be visiting the school in January to stake out the land before demolishing the current structure.

In addition to new infrastructure, DiLeo noted that a new civics curriculum will also be added.

Of all the changes to occur within the district this year, the most significant change is the hiring of a new superintendent.

For the past 15 years, nine of which have included her superintendency, DiLeo has served in many different roles at the Ware Public Schools.

Prior to becoming superintendent, DiLeo was the principal at Stanley M. Koziol for three years and then at the WJSHS for three years.

“It’s a bittersweet feeling to leave, but I’m ready for my next challenge,” said DiLeo.

“I have met a lot of outstanding people, friends and colleagues,” she added.

The Ware School Committee has been actively working – with assistance from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) – to fill the superintendent position. During the Dec. 21, 2022, meeting, three finalists were announced: William E. Collins, a previous superintendent of the Parishville-Hopkinton Central School District in Parishville, NY, and past principal of William E. Norris Elementary School in Southampton; Robert J. Gerardi, Jr., current superintendent of the New Shoreham School Department on Block Island; and Michael P. Lovato, assistant superintendent of teaching and learning in the Chelsea Public Schools.

Tracy Novick from MASC shared that the next steps in terms of the search are visitations in both directions – for the finalists to visit Ware Public Schools and for the School Committee to visit the finalists districts.

After the visitations take place, the School Committee will conduct interviews and deliberate. The new superintendent will begin their term on July 1.

Before departing, DiLeo said, “[I am] wishing and working [to have] a healthy, happy new year. From there, we can accomplish everything.”