Date: 5/16/2022
WARE – While town of Ware employees had the budget ready, bylaw amendments checked and 35 warrant articles ready for the review, questioning and vote of Ware residents on May 9 at the scheduled Annual Town Meeting, so few residents attended the meeting that there was not a quorum, leaving the meeting to be rescheduled.
Executive Assistant Chris Nolan informed Reminder Publishing that Town Meeting on May 9 failed to meet their quorum of 100 voters. The meeting has been rescheduled for two weeks later, on May 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ware High School auditorium.
According to an explanation of the warrant by Town Manager Stuart Beckley in a prior interview with Reminder Publishing, there are six articles to be voted on in the warrant regarding fiscal year 2022 funds to wrap up finances. The remaining articles on the warrant, Beckley explained, largely pertain to the budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2023.
Articles that do not involve finances include articles 21, 22, and 26. Article 21 is a request to amend the Earth removal bylaw and the marijuana bylaw. Article 22 involves adding a new section 4.8.3.H: temporary moratorium on the sitting of large-scale solar battery storage facilities. Finally, article 26 involves a request to establish a tree warden position.
Other articles of interest include articles 27 through 32, which involve requesting funds to purchase an ambulance for the Fire Department, a snowblower for the Department of Public Works, a tractor for the Parks Department, a playground in Grenville Park, an updated Supervisory Computer and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Water Department and the installation of fire hydrants.
For the full warrant, residents can go to and click on the “packet for annual town meeting” under “recent news.”