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Gardening program encourages kids to eat more fruits and veggies this summer

Date: 6/24/2019

WEST SPRINGFIELD – This summer, the Community and Family Engagement West Springfield and Ascentria Care Alliance will collaborate to host a Gardening with Kids summer program. The program, which begins on June 26, is a free and interactive gardening and nutrition program. Participants will learn about food and gardening. West Springfield Parks and Recreation will host the program.

Kristen Lussier, SNAP-Ed program coordinator for Ascentria Care Alliance told Reminder Publishing, “In our Gardening with Kids program, we will be using gardening as a tool for encouraging kids and their families to consume more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and increase physical activity.”

Lussier continued, “The goal is to encourage kids to eat more fruits and vegetables and develop an awareness of how these foods are grown. A healthy snack will also be made together in every class, using fresh ingredients grown in the garden.”

As part of the program, kids will learn about:

• The connection between healthy bodies and healthy gardens
• The path of food from Farm to Plate
• Plant parts and their functions
• Benefits of growing and buying local produce
• Keys to successful gardens, garden planning, maintaining gardens and using garden tools
• Recipe and snack ideas using fruits and vegetables from the garden

Lussier explained why she feels it is important that kids be educated on gardening. “Gardening provides so many avenues of engagement and learning for children. Encouraging healthy eating and trying new fruits and vegetables, it also introduces kids to scientific concepts, helps teach planning and organization, engages all of the senses and promotes working together in groups,” Lussier said.

Lussier continued, “Kids get to learn about where their food comes from and how to build a healthy plate with what is grown. When kids grow and prepare their own food, they are more likely to taste it. The garden also adds a fun, hands-on element to the lesson topics. Gardening is a great educational tool that brings families together, allows them to enjoy the outdoors, get physical activity and grow their own fresh produce.”

The program is free through the Ascentria SNAP-Ed grant funded through USDA Food and Nutrition Service and the CFCE grant funded by the Department of Early Education and Care and administered by West Springfield Public Schools.

The Gardening with Kids program is open to families and children of all ages. Families of both West Springfield and surrounding communities are welcome to attend. Registration is required. The program is limited. For registration, contact Rebecca Burgos, CFCE Coordinator at or call the Community and Family Engagement West Springfield at 246-3144.

An evening session of Gardening with Kids will also be hosted on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. starting July 31 through Aug. 21. For more information or questions, contact Burgos. More information can also be found on the Community and Family Engagement West Springfield Facebook page at

The four-week session will take place Wednesdays starting June 26 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The program will take place at Mittineague Park Garden Plot E-2, located at 1695 Westfield Street in West Springfield.

More information about the SNAP-ED Nutrition Program can be found on the Ascentria SNAP-ED Facebook page at or at their website, For more information, please contact Lussier at 787-0725, extension 407.