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Mask compliance a mixed bag in West Springfield

Date: 10/5/2021

WEST SPRINGFIELD – With new mask regulations recently put in place, West Springfield’s Health Department says they have seen a mixed bag in terms of compliance. The town has also not issued any punishment for noncompliance.

Due to an increase in COVID-19 cases and the understanding that most transmission has occurred indoors, the West Springfield Board of Health (BOH) issued new health regulations, including an indoor mask mandate for public spaces, during their Sept. 15 meeting.

The COVID-19 Mitigation Measures Regulation states, “Face coverings are required in all indoor public places as well as private places open to the public, regardless of vaccination status, for those over the age of two years old.”

Galloway replied, “The regulation requires that masks be worn indoors as further described in the regulation. All the other things listed in the regulation are strong recommendations.”

The mitigation measures in the four-page document are specific to masking procedures. Additional sections are also related to masking, specifically definitions, mask exemptions and enforcement protocols, which include fines. The “other things” to which Galloway referred were in a section titled “additional recommendations” at the end of the regulation. Those recommendations include obtaining a vaccine, maintaining social distancing, using hand sanitizer, washing hands regularly and testing at the onset of symptoms.

This regulation was voted on by the BOH two days prior to the Big E’s opening.

As there are people who refuse to wear masks in their everyday lives, Galloway said it hasn’t gone unnoticed. “We are seeing people not complying and are getting complaints,” she said.

During the first week of the Big E, she said that they received complaints, however, from opening day until now, she reported they have seen improvements with mask wearing.

In spite of reports of noncompliance, the Health Department has not issued any fines, according to Galloway. According to the regulations, the Health Department may issue a penalty in the form of a $25 fine for a first offense, $100 for a second offense and $300 for third and subsequent offenses.

“Fines are most likely to go to the property owners after a warning is issued, as was done with the state mandate. The fines did not go to individuals then either,” she said.

Galloway recognized the Eastern States Exposition for all their efforts in enforcing people’s health and safety. Throughout the fair, there are signs posted for people to wear masks when entering a building, along with some vendors offering free masks to fairgoers.

“People have been wearing masks, some just need a gentle reminder of wearing one,” she added.

West of the River Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Robin Wozniak said, “I feel our community is overall doing their part to adhere to the guidelines, but town by town the guidelines are different so I think there is sometimes confusion.”

Although COVID-19 numbers or exposure during the fair will not be known for some time, Galloway is hoping the results will be good.

Throughout the Big E, two different vendors were present to administer the vaccine: The Massachusetts state VaxBus and Baystate’s Wellness Wagon. In the first 12 days of the fair, over 230 people received the vaccine. Although this may not seem like a lot based on the number of people filtering through the gates, Galloway believes this is a success.

With the flu season ramping up, Galloway encourages people to be diligent and practice similar COVID-19 safety precautions.

As of now, the West Springfield mask regulation is in effect until rescinded by the BOH. This will depend on cases in the area. Galloway said there will not be a public hearing for this matter and the BOH will be the ones determining and/or rescinding when deemed appropriate to do so.

Wozniak believes this regulation will stay for a while. “People are used to wearing masks as it is, so it is not a huge inconvenience. Everyone needs to do their part. I would like to see other communities follow West Springfield’s guidelines. It can only help.”

For additional information on COVID-19 and proper safety precautions, visit