Date: 1/5/2022
WEST SPRINGFIELD – While there is much to look forward to in 2022, Mayor William Reichelt highlighted a few of the more prominent plans for the town of West Springfield.
One of the largest ongoing projects over the past year has been the construction of Coburn School. After much anticipation, the school is set to be complete in September, in time for the start of the new school year.
Memorial School is also in line for some changes. Throughout 2022, Reichelt said, the town will be planning for an addition project scheduled for 2023 at Memorial. The addition will add six new classrooms to the back of the building, along with updating the HVAC system, redesigning the lunch space and more. The need for these renovations stems from the student increase or “steady enrollment,” as described by Reichelt.
He added that in 2022, there will be “more infrastructure” projects proposed, such as a potential public safety complex. He said West Springfield is doing well financially, and can afford to spend on these improvements, though he said he doesn’t want to raise taxes too much.
“We have the lowest mill rate around,” said Reichelt. “This continues to be a key goal.”
He went on to say that the town will have some “internal changes in the new year.”
For instance, the Town Council will be welcoming two new members, Jaime Smith and Michael LaFlamme. The School Committee will also be welcoming two new faces, Diana Coyne and Kira Thompson. All four newcomers replaced incumbents who chose not to run for re-election.
“We are hopeful to hit the ground running,” said Reichelt.
Reichelt, who serves as chair of the School Committee, said he will “continue to make sure that schools stay open.” Although it’s difficult to accurately predict how the pandemic will play out, he said the town will continue its efforts to promote vaccines and booster shots.
Aside from the obvious challenges presented from the pandemic, Reichelt said, “There are challenges every year.”
He is waiting to see what sort of aid package West Springfield receives in the state budget, which will begin to take shape this month but won’t be voted in its final form until the late spring. Once the first state budget proposals are submitted, the town can begin to build its budget around those local aid estimates.