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West Side superintendent projects reduction in school choice

Date: 5/28/2021

WEST SPRINGFIELD – Superintendent Timothy Connor presented a school choice update during the School Committee meeting May 25.

The school choice funding during 2019-2020 was $282,677.

The 2020-2021 projected school choice dollar amount dropped to $224,023.

Memorial School has 184 enrolled and 56 students that opted out. Memorial School Principal Donna Calabrese reported that current grade 3 numbers are relatively low due to withdrawals, about 13 to 14 per class.

“Even with anticipated students exiting from Coburn EL program and returning from homeschool, there will be room in grade 4 for two choice seats,” Calabrese said.

Mittineague enrollment is 162 with 20 students opting out. Grade 2 has two open seats. Principal Diane Doe reported that current Grade 1 numbers are relatively low due to COVID related withdrawals, about 13 students per class.

West Springfield Middle School has 894 students enrolled with 36 opting out.

They predict that enrollment numbers for all grades will exceed 300. About 324 for sixth grade, 301 for seventh grade, and 309 for eighth grade.

There are still some unknown numbers due to students that were learning remotely that will be returning to school.

“The only reasonable grade to accept choice students would be grade 7, however it is not recommended at this time,” Dr. Peter Gillen, principal of West Springfield Middle School, said.

Gillen also stated that based on school district review of current enrollment, historical enrollment trends, and COVID-19 related withdrawals there is no opportunity to collapse classrooms to consolidate sections by grade level within elementary schools.

“Elementary schools and the district should be prepared to support the return of the students whose caregivers chose educational options during the 2020-2021 school year. We anticipate and welcome their return but must have capacity to do so,” Gillen said.

Students now have the option to remove their masks during recess or when they have an outside activity. They will also have breaks throughout the day indoors.

“We do potentially have a new pivot point after May 29 and we will keep you posted,” Superintendent Timothy Connor said.

Connor added he doesn’t see much of a change after that date with students wearing masks during school.

There has not been any conversation as to what next year will look like yet, he said.