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Neighbors protest apartment zoning plan on Whitney Ave.

Date: 1/11/2023

WEST SPRINGFIELD — After hearing from many residents who live near Whitney and Highland avenues, the Planning Board voted to table until Jan. 18 its decision on whether to support a zone change that could allow an apartment complex in that neighborhood.

 At the Jan. 4 meeting, Planning Board member Susan LaFlamme made the motion to table the decision because she said she needed more time to consider the ramifications of the zone change for vacant land near the Holyoke city line.

Although Planning Board Chair Frank Palange was clear in describing the board’s role — its vote simply is advisory, as the Town Council controls whether to grant final approval — and said the immediate point of discussion is the zoning itself, not any specific land use, many of the people who did speak criticized the potential apartment complex.

Palange said several times that at this time there is no project officially proposed for the property, and that questions about a project would be appropriate if or when a site review of plans takes place.

According to previously released information, Pyramid Co., which owns the Holyoke Mall and the property in West Springfield, would sell the nearly 18-acre parcel to a developer who would then build apartments. Residents spoke about the description of a 162-unit apartment complex as “high end.”

Resident Bruce Buckley spoke about the traffic conditions that already exist in the area without additional housing. He also asked, “What kind of people are going to move into those high-end units?”

Several people spoke about the current traffic conditions and the projected impact an apartment complex would have. Susan Dickson Moyer, the executive director of Providence Place, said there are 133 residents and more than 70 staff at the facility. Many of the staff are still driving and have visitors. Supply trucks come in daily, as well.

Additional traffic on the roads would be “absolutely treacherous for my population and my staff,” she told the Planning Board.

Several people mentioned a potential impact on the town’s schools if more families move in, as well as the amount of water that would be consumed by an apartment building.

An additional topic was whether the soil on the 17.66 acres, on the northwestern corner of Whitney and Highland avenues, is suitable for construction.

Palange again reminded people these were all topics for a site review plan, if a zoning change is approved and if a developer actually formally proposes a project.

The only people speaking in favor of the zone change were Richard Sypek, Pyramid’s attorney, and William Rogowski, the former general manager of the Holyoke Mall. Rogowski said the proposed apartments would be marketed to young professionals and retirees.

He said there was no interest in putting single family homes there and the developer, Sterling Development, could build affordable housing without a zone change.  The land is currently zoned for single-family homes, but state law allows developers of affordable housing projects to ignore local zoning in some cases.

Pyramid had previously proposed an apartment development but withdrew its plans in March 2022 in the face of neighbor opposition, before the Town Council could vote on a zone change. The new proposal calls for four 24-unit buildings and three 22-unit buildings on the property, as well as a clubhouse and pool for residents’ use. Automobile access would be from Whitney Avenue.

Palange said when the Planning Board meets on Jan. 18 to vote on the zone change, no time will be allotted for public testimony, as the public hearing on Jan. 4 is now closed.