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Survey seeks parent, student perspectives on equity in classroom

Date: 11/9/2022

WEST SPRINGFIELD — School officials have asked parents to complete a survey that will help identify issues for students.

Interim Superintendent Vito Perrone explained to Reminder Publishing the survey has been conducted during the past two years and is part of the work of the schools’ Equity Committee. He said in a letter to parents that the Equity Committee launched a couple years ago, facilitated by a consultant, University of Connecticut Professor Tamika LaSalle, and is part of the School Department’s commitment to “Creating safe and supportive environments that encourage ongoing learning and empower students and staff to act; raising marginalized voices; challenging the imbalance of power and privilege; [and] ensuring and measuring equitable access and outcomes.”

“Critical to this work is making sure that everyone, regardless of their role (student, parent/caregiver and staff) in the district, has an opportunity to share their experience and insight,” the letter continues. “With this in mind, the committee has created school climate surveys for each group to complete. That includes parents, students in grades 3-12, and staff.” Second-graders and younger students will not take the survey.

Perrone sees the survey as a means to “engage and empower the stakeholders” of the schools. The survey will gather various data points that then the Equity Committee can examine, he explained. Some of those points involve discipline and attendance, for example, and then meeting the needs expressed in the survey.

Perrone said there are many data sets, some of which are more qualitative in nature.

“They can tell us how they [the students] feel. They can give parents a voice,” he added.

The ultimate goal is to establish a partnership between the parents and the school, he noted.

Perrone said the survey is also intended to help administrators better understand how students what to engage with facility and staff — “Who do they trust to go to with their problems? Who do they go to when they are having a bad day or when they hear bad language?” he asked.

The questions include ones about ethnic background, gender and age, as well as asking respondents whether they agree with statements such as “Teachers at my student’s school have high standards for achievement,” “Teachers at my school work hard to make sure students do well,” “My student’s school sets clear rules for behavior,” and “My student feels safe at school.”

There are surveys geared specifically different for grade levels, and another survey for parents to take. Those are available in English, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, Russian and Nepali.

Parents can also fill out a form to opt their children out of the survey process.

Perrone is hopeful that parents respond and participate in the survey, and take their time in responding. He would like parents to give answers that are “thoughtful and reflective.”