Date: 10/18/2023
WEST SPRINGFIELD — In advance of the town election, Reminder Publishing sent questionnaires to candidates on the Nov. 7 ballot.
Each of the six candidates for the five available at-large seats on the Town Council was mailed the same list of six questions, to be answered in 75 words or fewer. Responses that exceeded the limit were edited to fit.
The first two questions and answers were printed on Oct. 12, and the final two questions and answers will be printed in the Oct. 26 newspaper. There are no contested races for district councilor on the Nov. 7 ballot.
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Incumbent at-large councilors are marked with an asterisk (*); Daniel O’Brien currently serves as a district councilor.
Affordable housing
Where does affordable housing rank among your priorities? What specific actions should the council take to encourage or oppose low-income housing?
Brian Clune*: This candidate did not submit responses in time for the deadline.
Brian Griffin*: Despite numerous, well-documented benefits for communities that have diverse housing choice, local affordable housing initiatives can face a range of obstacles including not-in-my-back-yard attitudes, overall resistance to change, and regulatory barriers. To help overcome these obstacles, we must foster: deeper public awareness of barriers that impede resident’s efforts to thrive in their community; greater understanding of how broad housing choice strengthens communities; champion these efforts.
Daniel O’Brien: … I have never heard a definition for “affordable housing.” If the taxes keep climbing because of spending, our older residents on fixed incomes will not have affordable housing. We have hotels that have become warehouses for the state to place illegal immigrants. They exceed the number that are supposed to be there and the costs are passed on to West Springfield residents. … The town should be exempt from 40B requirements as a result. The … (75 words).
Elisa Olivo: I’ll work to increase accessibility to affordable housing and empower low-income individuals to break free from dependency on assistance programs.
Sean Powers*: There is no question that the rapid rise in home values and rent, now coupled with the rising interest rates, has hit some harder than others from an affordability standpoint. Throughout my years in office, I have always been in favor of more housing in West Springfield. I think it is an amazing town to live in with wonderful opportunities for everyone.
Jaime Smith*: This candidate did not submit responses in time for the deadline.
Budget cuts
Is there any waste or inefficiency in the town budget? Where would you look for cuts, if next year’s municipal budget comes in tight?
Brian Clune*: This candidate did not submit responses in time for the deadline.
Brian Griffin*: What is traditional is to ask each department head for a level-funded budget, level-funded with contractual raises, and ones with 5% and 10% cuts. A lot of this is based off state aid, so to say I would hyper focus on any line item is disingenuous. We also hold 10% of our operating budget in a healthy stabilization fund to ensure the town has the capacity to weather negative financial pressures.
Daniel O’Brien: … The budget and practices of the School Department account for almost 50% of the town’s budget. If there is a tight budget, the cuts would have to come from there. … Leadership has to come from the mayor’s office at the beginning of the budget cycle. … imagin[e] a day when a strong City Council sent the message to the mayor and department heads in January that we would only approve a budget of X. … (75 words).
Elisa Olivo: Better schools; I’ll prioritize providing necessary resources and negotiate salary increases for educators.
Sean Powers*: The town budget takes months to prepare, months to review, and it all boils down to one night. Each year the Budget Subcommittee meets with each department and finely combs over each department’s budget, asks questions about expenses, hirings/firings, the combination jobs, and what their upcoming year looks like. Each department head does a very good job promoting transparency, and I find the budget to be proper.
Jaime Smith*: This candidate did not submit responses in time for the deadline.