Date: 6/15/2021
WEST SPRINGFIELD – The West Springfield Town Council met on June 7 to discuss the town’s proposed $105.4 million budget for fiscal year 2022.
Following up on the meeting, Council President Brian Griffin informed Reminder Publishing that a couple of budget cuts were proposed by Councilor Edward Sullivan. Of those proposed, only one cut was made to the budget - a proposed new economic development position for $60,500. A few months back, the Town Council voted in favor of creating the position for an economic recovery expert that would come in and help businesses with whatever they might need. However, some councilors felt this was a position that shouldn’t be filled and the cut was approved by a 5 to 2 vote.
Griffin said, “From my standpoint, I’ve been doing this for eight years – a lot of work is done on the budget after it’s received from the mayor and CFO.”
The capital budget is received on April 1, followed by the fiscal year’s general fund budget on May 1.
“We have study sessions for council,” explained Griffin. The budget is laid out in a series of meetings that consists of the department heads. They work together to go through the budgets, ask where they’re headed, and the vision moving forward.
In this year’s budget, additions were added and voted on during the June 7 meeting.
Griffin said the focus was on the schools and Police Department, which either need to gain equipment or additional manpower.
The addition was approved, allowing for a sergeant in the Police Department to oversee the DEA’s Narcotic Unit. According to Griffin, there has recently been a drug related “uptick” in West Springfield. He believes it’s important to have a sergeant that will be available.
In Griffin’s opinion, some of the highlights of the meeting include West Springfield being in good fiscal condition. He shared, “We have $10.5 million in a stabilization account.”
Griffin said, “The credit goes to CFO Sharon Wilcox for keeping us at that level.”
For the sixth year in a row, West Springfield’s taxes have not been increased.
“We have been maintaining what we need to, even through a pandemic, which is very hard to do,” stated Griffin.
He went on to say, “I commend my colleagues, and in particular Nathan Bech. Bech did a wonderful job as budget chairman.”
Griffin recognized his fellow council members for the utmost respect they have for one another. “We may not always see eye to eye, but we always have respect,” he said.
He concluded with, “I’m proud to be a part of this council.”