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Dog owner assures town, Hampden Planning Board nears deadline

Date: 9/8/2021

HAMPDEN – Animal Control Officer Shelley Sears was on hand at the Sept. 7 Board of Selectmen meeting for a dog hearing.

The dog owner, Tracy Thomas, has had four incidents over the course of a year involving his dogs, two of which are 11-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terriers and the other two are roughly 1-year-old puppies of an unspecified breed. Thomas objected to classifying the dogs as “pitbulls” and said they are not fighting dogs.

The first incident involved one of his adult dogs leaving Thomas’s property and barking at a neighbor’s chickens. In another incident, he said the other adult dog barked at and approached passersby.

Thomas said that his wife is home with their children and the dogs during the day and that he had had “a very pointed conversation” with her regarding the need to keep the dogs on their property. He also said that one of their children has entered school and so she should be able to give the dogs the attention they need.

Thomas said that he is nearly finished building a 15-foot by 30-foot kennel on the property and that the dogs will be on a leash when moving from the house to the kennel.

“They’ve done a really nice job,” Sears said of the steps the couple has taken to remedy the dog complaints. “They’ve always been respectful. They agreed that it is their fault the dogs were off the property.” She added that Thomas has paid both fines issued in regards to dog incidents.

The board continued the hearing for two weeks, during which Sears will follow up on the case.
Planning Board vacancies

Town Administrator Robert Markel updated the town on the status of finding Planning Board members for two vacant positions. Three applicants were interviewed at a Planning Board meeting on Sept. 1. Since then, three more people have applied for the positions. While the Planning Board had a meeting scheduled for the following day, Markel said, the remaining interviews were not listed on the agenda.

While three members makes a quorum of the Planning Board, at least one additional member must be seated before a special permit can be voted upon. The special permit for a contentious self-storage facility proposed at 2 Somers Rd. was up for a vote at the Sept. 8 meeting. Markel explained that the Planning Board could seek a second extension of the legal timeframe during which it has to close the public hearing or ask the petitioner to withdraw their special permit request. If the petitioner refuses to take either of those actions, the special permit would be “constructively approved.”

“I don’t want this to be constructively approved. It’s wrong and we’re heading down that road,” Board of Selectmen Chair Donald Davenport said. He reiterated his preference that the Board of Selectmen be allowed to interview all six candidates before the Planning Board submits their recommendation. Questions from Davenport were asked of the three applicants already interviewed.

Fire Station Tour

The Board of Selectmen, along with Fire Chief Ed Poulin, toured the East Longmeadow Fire Station to get an idea of what updates and changes were needed for Hampden’s station. Davenport said that the neighboring town’s station had much more space for firefighters to don their “turnout” gear when responding to a fire. The station’s engine bays are oversized, so despite being built more than 20 years ago, modern equipment and vehicles fit inside.

Board of Selectmen member John Flynn said that East Longmeadow Fire Department shared some of the challenges it has experienced. This could help Hampden determine what changes might be needed.

Two more tours are scheduled, for the stations in Monson and Wilbraham. Capital Planning Committee Chair Lisa Sternberg asked to be included on those tours.

Crosswalk Project

Markel reported that the proposed crosswalk on Somers Road was under review by the first of two committees it must pass. Further requested information on traffic accidents has been submitted. The project must be approved by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission, as the funding was part of an effort to remediate traffic issues from the MGM Casino in nearby Springfield.

Board of Selectmen member Craig Rivest expressed concerns that the Gaming Commission continues to “put it off.” Markel said he expects the $53,000 project to be approved, but said the hold-up is in the process.

“I think the commission may well be inventing the process as they go along,” Markel said.

Davenport quipped, “This is the same commission who awarded us money and waited three years to tell us.”

Board of Health Coordinator Jane Budynkiewicz reported that Hampden had a coronavirus positive test rate of 4.1 percent. In the week of Aug. 29, there were a total of 17 cases – 13 adults, one teen and four children. At least three of the adults had been previously vaccinated.