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Minnechaug hockey team set to play at Frozen Fenway Jan. 12

Date: 1/5/2023

WILBRAHAM – On Jan. 12, the Minnechaug Regional High School varsity hockey team, the Falcons, will participate in an outdoor game against Boston College (BC) High School at Fenway Park.

“This is an independent scrimmage against BC High School,” said head coach Kyle Bousquet. “There’s only a select few high school teams that Fenway Park offered this opportunity to. This is a once in a lifetime experience for the players and the school. Not many people can say they’ve played a hockey game at Fenway Park. I want them to enjoy the moment, take it all in and have some fun.”

Former player, coach, alum and forever Falcon Greg Palm graduated from Minnechaug in 1978 and played hockey all four years. His son played there during his four years and after his son graduated, Palm coached at Minnechaug for 14 years.

Minnechaug hockey has been a huge part of Palm’s life, and when he heard that the Winter Classic was coming back to Boston, he said he thought it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for the current players to experience. He contacted the Red Sox by phone and email several times over the past two years. Then in November 2022, Palm received a call from the Red Sox with an invitation for the Minnechaug Falcons to play against BC High. Palm has been friends with Bousquet and his family for many years, so he relayed that invitation and information to him.

“Persistence pays off,” Palm said. “This should be a blast for the players, parents and Minnechaug, one they will never forget. I believe they will give their best effort in that night. Once a Falcon always a Falcon.”

Bousquet added, “I was excited and did not want to pass up this opportunity. I thank Greg Palm endlessly. The boys know that he was a driving force to have this happen, so we owe him a big thank you.”

So far, the Minnechaug Falcons have won their first four games of the season. They have a strong group this year trying to accomplish the goal of winning a Western Massachusetts championship and then make a run at the state tournament. Along with coaches Duane Adams, Ronnie Doe and Joe Manning, Bousquet’s goal for the Falcons is to continue to build as a group, work hard and hold each other accountable. “We’re working together and every day we’re getting better,” said Bousquet. “Everyday at practice we’re improving. We want to continue to get better and put ourselves in the best position possible at the end of the year to accomplish our goals.”

Anyone who would like to attend can reach out directly to Athletic Director Steve Burndrett at