Date: 4/11/2019
WILBRAHAM – On April 8, the Wilbraham Board of Selectmen approved a transfer of $60,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Fire Department’s budget, at the request of Fire Chief David Bourcier. Bourcier said that the extra funds were needed due to unexpected injuries and firefighters who had been out sick. There were also retirements during this same time period, leading to a short-staffed department and necessitating overtime for some firefighters.
“It was very hard to come here tonight,” to ask for money, said Bourcier.
Bourcier explained that there was a minimum requirement of four firefighters on–shift. That is due to an Occupational Safety Hazard Administration policy that requires, in the case of a structural fire, at least two firefighters inside the structure and two firefighters on standby outside of the structure to provide rescue, if needed.
The fire department budget for the current Fiscal Year is $985,288. Bourcier said that the department is still $45,000 short.
“I’m confident we’ll raise that 45,” Bourcier said.
Board of Selectmen Chair Robert Russell asked how much the department was collecting each month. The chief said it varies.
“We’re getting a lot of bills not paid,” Bourcier said regarding ambulance charges not covered by residents’ insurance policies.
Bourcier also expressed that ambulance calls were on the rise.
“We had 2,000 medical calls last year,” said Bourcier, and he said this year’s calls are expected to exceed that. He said the department is almost 40 percent busier now than 11 years ago when an increase in personnel was suggested.
“It’s nerve–wracking, to say the least,” the chief said.
Bourcier proposed a stop-gap measure of using $4,500 that had been earmarked for off–duty training exercises and $13,000 in “left–over” holiday pay for a portion of the overtime costs. He said he was hesitant to use the holiday pay because vacation season is coming.
“That was an anomaly, having five people out on IOD (injured–on–duty),” Bourcier said in response to Selectman Robert Boilard asking if it was uncommon.
Russell said the Board was approving the transfer due to “extraordinary and unforeseen measures.”
John Siniscalchi, the owner of the Tap Room Grill, approached the board to make them aware that the business and the building, at 2823 Boston Rd. have been put up for sale. Siniscalchi said there was an interested party, but that the sale was in its early stages. Boilard questioned whether the liquor license could remain in effect through the sale process and said he didn’t want to revoke the license while the business was open. Town Administrator, Nick Breault agreed that it could stay in effect. The Board decided that Siniscalchi should return with an update in 60 days if the business had not sold.
Two members of the Planning Board came before the Board of Selectmen recommending that two streets be classified as public ways. The streets, Sherwin Street and North Hills Lane, are part of a sub–development and intersect with public streets. Sherwin Street intersects with Stony Hill Road, while North Hills Lane intersects with Boston Road. After reviewing plans of the area of town, the Selectmen approved the classification of the streets as public ways.
The Board granted an allowance for special alcohol service at Interskate 91 for events on April 28 and June 23.
Also approved were a license for public entertainment by Sunshine Entertainment and an application for a temporary food establishment permit to the Village Store & Cafe for the Tour de Minnechaug Mountain event on May 5.