Date: 12/8/2021
HAMPDEN – The Hampden Board of Selectmen suggested several changes to the contract with the police union, with Police Chief Scott Trombly serving as an intermediary between parties.
Board of Selectmen Chair Donald Davenport had objected to the work phones being used for personal calls. He explained that the phones may be subject to discovery in a court case and all calls, both private and police-related would be viewable. He also said he doesn’t want the town to pay for personal calls.
Trombly said the union wanted the personal use provision, despite acknowledging the phones would be used as a backup to their radios. Davenport conceded that emergency calls could be made on the police phones.
Board of Selectmen member Craig Rivest asked to have the one- to two-year replacement cycle for the phones stricken from the contract. As secondary communication devices, he said, they shouldn’t receive that much use. Board of Selectmen member John Flynn added that just because that is the replacement schedule recommended from the supplier doesn’t mean it is needed.
Trombly requested permission to acquire Ford Explorers for two cruisers for which money had been appropriated at recent Town Meetings. The chief said the Chevy Tahoes that he had planned to buy would not be available to order until at least May. Both vehicles that are slated for replacement have more than 100,000 miles on the engines. Trombly said he was assured one Ford, but was “sure” he could “squeeze” another one from the vendor. The board approved the change to two Fords and asked for the chief to research the use of a pickup as a future cruiser option.
Hampden Fire Department (HFD) Chief Ed Poulin asked that the Lucas Chest Compression system be purchased for emergency situations requiring CPR. The $15,000 automatic compression system could be paid for using funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Davenport said a recent test had shown survival rates were not affected by the use of the Lucas system. Poulin argued that he believes the system has value. He explained that it can be used without EMT or paramedic training, in cramped areas and offers constant compressions enroute to a hospital.
Patrick Farrow of HFD said it takes seven seconds to set the device up and can be used on people ages 6 and up. He said he hoped adding this would save at least one life. The device was approved.