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Hardwick residents to vote on 20 articles at ATM

Date: 6/20/2022

HARDWICK – Hardwick residents will vote on 20 warrant articles during Annual Town Meeting on June 25.

The meeting will take place at Hardwick Elementary School at 9 a.m.

During the Hardwick Board of Selectmen meeting on June 14, the board and the Finance Committee reviewed and adjusted the budget. After going over each warrant article, the Board of Selectmen approved and signed the warrant.

Article 1 is a request to transfer a sum of money from available funds in the treasury to meet overdrawn and unprovided accounts in the fiscal year.

Similarly, Article 2 is a request to raise and appropriate, transfer, or borrow from available funds in the treasury to meet overdrawn and unprovided accounts in the prior fiscal years.

Article 3 is a request to appropriate a sum of funds to purchase new oil tanks at the Town House located on Common Street.
Article 4 is a request to accept the reports of all officers and committees as printed in the 2021 Annual Report.

Article 5 is a request to authorize the town treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to borrow from time to time in anticipation of revenue for the fiscal year. If approved, this will begin July 1, 2022.

Article 6 refers to expenditures of the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Revolving Funds.

Article 7 is a request to allow the Board of Assessors to appoint one of its members to a full-time position under its supervision.

Article 8 is a request for the town to extend its acceptance of Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Chapter 59, Section 5, Clause 56 as voted under Article 15 of the Annual Town Meeting on June 18, 2011. If approved, this will allow the Board of Assessors to continue to exempt up to 100 percent of real and personal property taxes assessed to Massachusetts National Guard and military reservists for any fiscal year they are serving in a foreign country, by extending the effective beginning date of such extension to FY23.

Article 9 is a request to transfer a sum of money from the Sale of Lots Fund Account to the Cemetery Commission Expense Account for the care, improvement and embellishment or enlargement of town cemeteries.

Article 10 is a request to transfer a sum of money from the Sale of Lots Fund Account to the Perpetual Care Account.

Articles 11 and 12 are requests to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds in the treasury, or borrow a sum of money for the Reserve Fund and the Stabilization Fund.

Article 13 is a request to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds in the treasury, or borrow a sum of money to be used in conjunction with, and in addition to, any funds allotted by the commonwealth for the construction and/or improvement of town roads.

Article 14 is a request to raise and appropriate from sewer revenues a sum of money to the Water Pollution Control Facilities Enterprise Fund for the operation of the Gilbertville and Wheelwright Water Pollution Control Facilities and all supporting apparatus.

Article 15 is a request to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds in the sewer retained earnings account, or borrow a sum of money to purchase the necessary equipment for the maintenance of sewer lines, including all incidental and related costs.

Article 16 is a request to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds in the treasury, or borrow a sum of money to pay the necessary town charges for FY23, beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023.

Article 17 is a request to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court for special legislation, to abolish the Sewer Commission and transfer its powers, duties and responsibilities to the Board of Selectmen.

Article 18 is a request to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the Massachusetts General Court for special legislation, to establish the position of treasurer-collector.

Article 19 is a request to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire the fee and/or permanent and temporary easements on certain parcels of land for the Creamery Road bridge project over Ware Brook.

Lastly, Article 20 is a request for the town to pay 50 percent of a premium for contributory group life, hospital, surgical, medical, dental and other health insurance for employees retired from the service of the town, and their dependents.