Date: 9/28/2022
WARREN – Interim Superintendent Maureen Binienda provided an update on the start of the 2022-2023 school year during the Sept. 19 Quaboag Regional School Committee meeting.
Over the past two weeks, Binienda said she has “spent a lot of time really getting to know the district” and diving into several matters. For instance, she noted that they are focusing on instruction with the District Improvement Plan, which consists of four core principles: intentional instruction, specific student support practices, leadership practices and positive climate and culture.
She went on to say that they are interested in bringing Naviance, a college and career readiness software provider, to the Quaboag Regional Middle High school. The school will be bringing in a consultant to learn more about the program.
Binienda shared that kindergarten screening took place two weeks prior to the meeting and will likely occur again in late spring to measure educational growth.
MCAS results are in and will be shared at the next School Committee meeting, added Binienda.
COVID-19 update
Binienda explained that masking in school is no longer required but is optional. The Quaboag Regional School District (QRSD) has also done away with contact tracing and test and stay. She noted that if a staff member or student tests positive, they must be isolated for five days.
Currently, QRSD has about 2,500 COVID-19 test kits that are being sorted and distributed before they expire. To get rid of the surplus, Binienda said they will distribute the kits through Connect-ED, meaning students at each school will receive two test kits and every staff member will receive one kit. Each kit has two tests, to be used when needed, she explained.
If a student or family does not want to participate, they can opt out. Although the testing is no longer considered a district wide program, Binienda noted that it is solely an “opt-out” before the leftover tests are disposed of.
Upcoming dates
Quaboag Regional Middle High School Principal Stephen Duff shared upcoming dates for students and their families to make note of.
Oct. 7 is picture day for grades 7-12.
On Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a college financial information night in the auditorium with Richard O’Connor from American International College.
The next School Committee meeting is set to take place on Oct. 17.