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Warren selectmen discuss Founders Day, other business

Date: 8/9/2023

WARREN — The Board of Selectmen met on Aug. 3 to discuss various topics including funding updates, reimbursement of funds, position resignations, and more.

The Cemetery Commission informed the board of a Founders Day and grave adoption process. The date for Founders Day would be early May 2024 and would include a tour of the cemetery and informational sessions to open up the history of the town. Barbara Larkin from the Warren Public Library also mentioned wanting to be involved in the celebration.

“We can have an open house and perhaps an essay contest. Kids would pick a grave, research the person buried there, and the winner could get a small cash prize,” said Larkin.

Next on the agenda was the reimbursement of Chapter 90 funds. Due to the completion of Bard Road, the town is eligible to receive $236,635.28 back from the state. The board passed the motion unanimously to receive the reimbursement.

After this was the resignation of multiple board and committee members.

Charlene Farris from the Board of Health sent her notice of resignation via letter stating she wished to resign due to a “lack of communication and teamwork.” The board accepted her resignation unanimously and said a notice to fill the now-vacant position should be posted on the town website soon.

Next to resign from their positions were Rebecca Acerra and Richard Demetrius from the Veterans Council. Their reason for resigning was the fact they were unable to get the status of special municipal employee.

“Over 99 employees have this title but when we ask for it, it’s too much,” said Acerra.

“I agree, there are a lot of board members on this list that shouldn’t be on here. We will revisit this list,” replied Board of Selectmen Chair David Dufresne. He mentioned that the Planning Board among others should not be considered special municipal employees, but will discuss the topic at the next meeting.

Demetrius argued that it was harder for the council to receive funding and get permits without the title of special municipal employee. Due to this and other personal reasons, Demetrius then resigned from the Veterans Council, the Conservation Commission, and the Community Emergency Response Team board.
Multiple members in the room showed support for Demetrius and Acerra.

“You can’t say we haven’t put the vets first,” said Acerra, which was then followed by applause from the room. Acerra mentioned how many heartfelt letters and thank you’s have been sent her way over the years and that she wished she didn’t feel the need to resign.

“We hope you reconsider and you stay, you’ve done a lot for this town,” said Dufresne. Acerra still chose to resign, although she did so “regrettably.”

Next to follow were Judith and Lloyd Rice.

“Becky and Rick are the most honest people you’d want on a council,” said Judith Rice. She then proceeded to read her and Lloyd’s letter of resignation from the Veterans Council.

The board accepted all the resignations unanimously.

“Discussions about the current and potential new members for the Veterans Council will be held next meeting on Aug. 24,” said Dufresne.

The meeting continued with a request for the town to use $3,015 in ARPA funds for new sign batteries. There is currently $27,612 available in the ARPA fund.

“It’s the only thing we have that big to display messages to the community,” said Dufresne.
The motion was passed to use these funds.

Fire Chief Adam Lavoie was next to speak to the board, inquiring about the town to match a conservation grant in order to get more helmets.

“This grant of $2,450 from the Conservation of Recreation was for us to help fight brush fires,” said Lavoie. “Our helmets are about eight years old, so we would use these funds to buy new and improved ones.”

The motion passed for the town to match the grant, giving the fire department a total of $4,900 to use toward new equipment.

A conversation about facade updates to the Senior Center was next. While much of the building needs repair, the first step would be to update the front half of the structure.

“There is paint peeling so badly that the wood underneath is starting to rot,” said Ferrera. He mentioned painting what is peeling, fixing the damaged wood underneath, and adding new gutters.

He said that royal blue would make the building stand out and give it a much-needed upgrade.

“I’ve already spoken to two contractors and I’m waiting on one more quote so I can bring three to the board,” said Ferrera. He mentioned that the funds for the project would come from $30,000 that was already approved for facade upgrades in a previous meeting.

“I can present the final quote at the next meeting,” said Ferrera.