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Worcester County Sheriff’s Office to host annual drive-thru senior picnic

Date: 5/4/2022

WORCESTER COUNTY – For over 25 years, the annual Sheriff’s Senior Picnic has welcomed seniors across Worcester County for an afternoon with friends, food and fun.

On June 4, Sheriff Lewis Evangeldis and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office will host the renowned picnic, with a drive-through model.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., seniors are invited to SAC (Scandinavian Athletic Club) Park, 238 Lake St., Shrewsbury. Here, Evangeldis said attendees will be able to drive their car through the park and receive a free car wash from North High School students in Worcester, a barbecue boxed lunch, a “SWAG bag” with lottery tickets, T-shirts and more, over 25 raffle baskets and live music, to name a few.

Although the event is free and open to seniors across the county, space is limited. Those wishing to attend must register by May 11.

Evangeldis said the park can only accommodate so many cars. “The capacity is at 1,000,” he said. As of press time, Evangeldis said they have received 500 registrations.

He explained that they started the drive-thru model last year, to keep seniors safe from COVID-19. Due to its success, they decided to continue this offering.

The car line up will start at 10 a.m., and doors open at 10:30 a.m. Evangeldis said he stands in the middle of the two traffic lanes. “I can talk to everyone this way,” he said.

Evangeldis encourages individuals to come in waves. “You don’t need to get there right at 10 a.m.,” he said. “If you come later, there won’t be as long of a line.” He noted that they will serve everyone who has registered, as long as they are in line before 1 p.m. Everyone will receive the exact same items, however, raffle prizes will be given to random cars, added Evangeldis.

Evangeldis, who has been a part of this picnic for 11 years, has seen improvements year after year. “When I became sheriff there were about 400 people [who came],” said Evangeldis. Now, he said they have about 1,000 attendees and 300 volunteers. “[That’s] as many [people] as used to go to the event,” he added. “It turned into something magnificent.”

Evangeldis described the drive-thru picic as a “nice, orderly process.” For him, this method is a “good format,” however, it’s a “mixed bag” for others, as some preferred the interactive picnic before the coronavirus pandemic, he said. Moving forward, Evangeldis is uncertain as to which method they will continue using. Regardless, he said the picnic is something he looks forward to and “the people are so appreciative.”

Of all the communities in Worcester County, Evangeldis said the town of Warren, per capita, has the highest attendance rate at the picnic.

The drive-thru picnic is sponsored by the Worcester County Reserve Deputy Sheriff’s Association and community partners such as Christopher Heights Assisted Living, Resinate, The Overlook, 1Worcester Homes, Jessica Albino Law Office, CareOne at Millbury, The Gun Parlor, and more.
To register, visit

For additional information about the event, call 508-796-2638 or email