Alliance not spreading the truth

Date: 1/3/2018

I read with interest The Reminder article about the propaganda campaign launched by the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance to smear the character and voting record of Rep. Brian Ashe. Instead of citing facts, the Alliance’s postcards misrepresent the truth and use talking points from well-known hate groups about the Safe Communities Act in a deceitful attempt at political gain.

Here’s the truth about the Safe Communities Act: Rep. Ashe and 99 other state legislators have co-sponsored this legislation because it will protect public safety and enable our state and local police to focus on fighting crime and keeping us all safe.

An additional fact: The Safe Communities Act will not stop immigration agents from doing their jobs but will protect public safety by clearly separating local/state law enforcement from federal immigration matters so that everyone feels safe calling 911 to report crimes.

This year Illinois and California passed similar legislation, joining our neighbors Connecticut and Vermont. It’s time for us to do the same – and to reject propaganda efforts based on spreading fear and lies.

Michele Marantz
