All Shapes & Sizes
Date: 3/30/2009
This is a letter in response to an article in the March 10 Reminder, Republican Town Committee Makes Endorsements. In that article, DPW Board Member Michael Perkins states that he switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party due to his pro-life views and the fact that, there s no place in the Democratic Party for conservatives.
As a lifelong Democrat, I can state without hesitation that we are a party comprised of members of various views and backgrounds. Just as, I am sure, Republicans would resent all being painted with one brush, so do we Democrats.
There are many staunch Catholics in our party, many of whom hold their pro-life views very dearly, including our own Member of Congress, the Honorable Richard E. Neal.
In addition, I am sure that many of the hardworking small business owning Democrats would take issue with being told that there was no place in their party for fiscal conservatism, which they surely must practice to survive in today s uncertain economy.
As Vice-Chairman of the East Longmeadow Democratic Town Committee, I believe that my party deserves better than these comments and generalizations.
James D. Driscoll
East Longmeadow