Ask questions
Date: 11/21/2012
Chicopee taxpayers need to start asking their mayor and city council members exactly why the average residential and business tax levy has increased again this fiscal year.
According to city records, as of Nov. 14, the current Stabilization Fund totals approximately $6.5 million. The city also expects to receive certification of Free Cash in excess of $4 million and is still expecting a storm damage reimbursement of $3.6 million for the cleanup from the Oct. 29, 2011 snowstorm.
At a minimum, the combination of all three totals more than $14 million and could be closer to $15 million when Free Cash is certified. So, why are the average home and business taxes increasing?
The non-budgeted spending has already started, and this is just the middle of the second quarter of this fiscal year. As they say in Chicopee City Hall, "Let the spending frenzy on non-budgeted items begin! Spend! Spend! Spend!"
Hopefully, some fiscally responsible individuals will throw their hats into the ring in next year's city election. It is time to elect some officials who do not need such a large financial sandbox to play in, especially when playing with our hard earned money.
Jim Raschilla