Date: 10/26/2023
This letter is a commentary on the existing East Longmeadow High School vs. ELHS Building Project proposal. Like so many other concerned citizens we took the town tour of the high school on Thursday, Oct. 19.
Our first impression, on an October evening, was that the outside athletic fields, racquet courts and track were top notch and alive with activities. Upon entering the building it appeared as though the deferred maintenance had indeed been “deferred” for quite some time in anticipation of the desire for a new high school.
The East Longmeadow Tax Rate has climbed steadily from when we arrived in town from $16.22 in FY 2007 to a high of $21.06 in FY 2021 and most recently fell to $19.20 in FY 2023. Although most residential properties assessed values rose resulting in higher property taxes.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, your property taxes are calculated yearly be multiplying the fiscal year tax rate (mill rate per $1,000) by the assessed value of your property (regardless of residential, commercial or industrial use in East Longmeadow). The mill rate in Massachusetts cannot exceed 25.
It is nice to know that the town leaders can sharpen their pencils when necessary but disheartening that they would manipulate the budget in anticipation of the cost to build the new high school. The ELHS Building Project Committee is estimating the town’s taxes will go up 20% based on the 2023 mill rate.
The new high school is being proposed with a $177.5 million price tag as stated in the pamphlet presented and distributed by the ELHS Building Committee. The estimated MSBA grant would total $63 million. That would leave the “town share” price tag at 114.5 million. The town amount would be funded by a 30 year loan. Quoting the ELHS Building Committee:
“Tax Impact Assumptions: Over a 30-year loan, tax impact will fluctuate over time, having a slightly smaller impact for the first few years. Interest rates are estimated at (5%). Tax rate impact assumes no increase in assessed value.”
History shows that we all will have an increase in assessed value over thirty years. Will they be able to secure a loan at 5% interest rate? When have you ever seen a government job come in on budget? So many variables. As the old real estate saying goes “buyer beware!”
The high school proposed footprint is very similar in size to the existing high school, just new.
The existing high school was built in three stages over time and is deemed solid by the town.
The fiscall ay responsible solution would be to remove the skylights, repair the roof and refurbish the building one wing a time.
The proposal put forth by the ELHS Building Project Committee is a luxury that will very quickly propel our tax rate to the highest in the state. For these reasons a “no” vote should be cast on Nov. 7 at the special election at Birchland Park Middle School.
Jim Dumbrowski and Ann Marie Harrington
East Longmeadow
Editor’s note: For clarification: the estimated tax increase at the time of publication was 18.9% and pertained to the passage of both the the school and pool projects. The total projected cost to the town after reimbursement for the two projects at that time was an estimated $131.1 million. However, since this letter was published, the MSBA adjusted its anticipated level of reimbursement, according to Superintendent Gordon Smith, and more information on that adjustment will be reported as soon as possible. The pool building accounts for $16.8 million of that total and is not elligible for MSBA reimbursement. These two projects will be separate questions on the ballot.