Census update
Date: 6/16/2010
The 2010 Census will continue through the summer visiting households across the country to collect their information. However, not everyone knows that Census Bureau representatives visit or call a sample of households to collect information for a variety of important surveys administered throughout the decade. In an effort to avoid confusion, I would like to clarify these operations.
For the 2010 Census, our enumerators are visiting housing units from which we did not receive a form, we did not receive a form in time to update census workers' assignments, or we received a form that requires verification. Enumerators will ask for your information even if you state that you mailed back a form in order to ensure the accuracy of the count.
In addition to the once-a-decade census, Census Bureau field representatives collect data on a monthly basis for a number of other surveys, such as the American Community Survey and the National Health Interview Survey. These surveys provide invaluable data about a variety of topics including health, education, income, employment, and disability that guide representatives of your community and organizations to make more informed decisions about vital services for our nation. Please call 1-800-562-5721 to learn if you are in a survey.
It is easy to identify a 2010 Census enumerator or field representative. He or she will have a census ID badge that contains a Department of Commerce seal and will provide supervisor and/or office contact information for verification, if asked. Field representatives have photo IDs and use a computer to facilitate the collection of data. Census workers will not contact individuals by e-mail, but may do so by phone. In addition, they will not ask about immigration status or for bank account or credit card numbers. Remember that your responses to either the 2010 Census or any ongoing survey are protected by federal law and cannot be shared with any agency or person.
Please, step up and be counted now in the 2010 Census. If your household is selected for a survey, please participate to help us collect vital information that will help your community receive its fair share of federal funding, representation, and effective planning. I appreciate your cooperation.
Kathleen Ludgate
Regional Director, U.S. Census Bureau