Committee needs leadership
Date: 12/31/2009
'The Chicopee School Committee is divided and deadlocked over leadership positions and it shows a new direction is needed. The citizens of Chicopee need a committee that focuses on student performance and school improvement. With the issues facing our students and community: the need for good jobs, the stability of families, the problems of drugs, the fragile environment, and others, our students need to be prepared to face these impending challenges.
The School Committee can help teach critical thinking skills to students by example. Members should refrain from personal attacks on each other unless they can document the specific incident, not make general public allegations against other members. How will attacking other members serve the city or allow members to work together with trust and understanding?
The School Committee is supposed to represent us and I am not concerned about who did what to whom. I want a responsible government that will address the issues facing the City and our students. I want an educational system that provides opportunities for our students and graduates. A deadlocked dysfunctional committee will not improve our schools. We need a new direction with the School Committee working as a team focused on student achievement, increasing MCAS scores and providing opportunities for our students to succeed. We need a change in the leadership of the Chicopee School Committee.
Evelyn M. Gonciarz, Chicopee