Community colleges must remain independent
Date: 3/13/2012
March 14, 2012Gov. Deval Patrick's proposed plan to centralize administration of the community colleges in Massachusetts would be a huge and costly mistake.
Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) and Holyoke Community College (HCC) for example have highly specialized curriculums that encourage students to continue their educations.
Streamlining these programs would have a negative cause and effect on the entire community college experience.
Many courses, especially in arts are only being offered at STCC and HCC. Classes like these act as a magnet encouraging students to attend school every day.
Removing these individualized college programs would be catastrophic. It has taken many years of trial and error to discover what really works best on each campus.
Making everything the same might save a few dollars, but would ultimately deny students the opportunity to chose what is best for their futures.
Individuality is the key to success.
I would ask that Gov. Patrick reconsider this misguided proposal.
David Barsalou MFA
School Committee Representative