Crop Walks successful
Date: 2/14/2011
The Community Survival Center would like to thank all the generous individuals who participated in the Ludlow Crop Walk and the Wilbraham/Hampden Crop Walk last October. A special thanks to everyone who walked and to all the generous people who sponsored a walker. The Community Survival Center is pleased to acknowledge receipt of $451.20 from the Wilbraham walk and $1,155.56 from the Ludlow walk.
I would like to commend the walk coordinators from Wilbraham and Ludlow, the committees and all the area churches who supported the Crop Walk for their continued generosity to the Community Survival Center.
The Community Survival Center was founded 27 years ago because of a generous and concerned community. Without churches, schools, businesses, friends and neighbors. we would be hard pressed to continue to meet the needs of the almost 900 individuals (36 percent children and 20 percent senior citizens) who find themselves in need of food each month. Because of your continued generosity. evidenced by your donations of food, clothing and household items we were able to assist over 44,000 individuals in 2010.
Chris Cargile, Director
Indian Orchard