Cultural Significance
Date: 7/1/2009
The Agawam Cultural Council takes great pride in bringing many talented artists, authors, musical productions and live theater to our community for everyone to enjoy at no cost for most of our programs to the citizens of Agawam, as well as, those visitors from surrounding communities!
We are currently utilizing the Agawam Library and the new Agawam Senior Center located on Main Street to showcase these wonderful programs. We plan to continue to utilize both these facilities for future events. We would like everyone to be aware that there is no age restriction for participating in or attending any of these programs. We encourage everyone to come and enjoy them! We find that the new Senior Center on Main Street is an excellent venue to accommodate some of our upcoming programs! The building is a new state of the art facility which is tastefully decorated and beautifully designed. Please feel free to come and join us for one of our upcoming shows and see for yourself!
The Agawam Cultural Council is an all-volunteer local partner of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, and is funded, in part, by the MCC. The ACC is charged with bringing engaging, entertaining, and educational events and opportunities in the arts, humanities, and sciences, to children and adults from Agawam and the surrounding communities. The Agawam Cultural Council website is
Bob Kadis
Chair of the Agawam Cultural Council