Date: 1/2/2020
If this wasn’t such sad situation it could be almost humorous. Every time I see the comments about Mr. Trump testifying “under oath” it makes me wonder who really believes that “under oath” or not, he will just continue to lie about everything which he consistently does. I’m not sure if he even knows the difference between lies and truth.
An example of this is repeatedly having photos of him with less than desirable people brings out the same response over and over, stating that he has no idea who those people are. He is the most prolific liar in the history of this country and the most dangerous threat to our form of government. He was critical of the national debt and look where it is now. He still maintains that he had the largest attendance in history at his inauguration. Once again, pictures don’t lie.
The historic things about him are his wall fiasco; his demeaning of anyone who disagrees with him; his adolescent response to anyone or anything that doesn't promote him but rather results in childish name calling; his apparent belief that he can never be wrong, and the embarrassment of having his title even attached to his name just based on his petty behavior alone, both here and in foreign countries.
Does anyone truly believe that he cares about impeachment? He will simply use that process to continue to create the greatest divide among Americans since the Civil War. Donald Trump is not interested in the US. His only interest always has been and continues to be the person he loves the most – himself. I really wasn’t sure who I would vote for in the last election because I was not a fan of either candidate. Fortunately I voted for Hillary on the basis of voting for sanity instead of insanity.
Allen G. Zippin