Don’t blame guns

Date: 11/17/2017

In the old “Three Stooges” movies Moe exhorts his colleagues, “Don’t just stand there stupid, push buttons.”  That is the behavior of the Massachusetts Legislature in the wake of a shooting. The last time they passed legislation within hours, even though there are still many questions about the Las Vegas shooting.

The Devin P. Kelley case is an embarrassment to the citizen disarmament lobby because the police did not stop him, an armed bystander stopped him from killing more people.  He an extensive violent record at a military base, which was squarely under the control of gun controller in chief, Obama. Just for fracturing the kids skull he should have been in jail.  The very people who cannot make use of existing laws are demanding more laws, and blaming the NRA for their own failure to protect people.   They would disarm the bystander who stopped Kelley while the incompetents who left him on the street would keep their jobs.

We have had other shootings where the perpetrator was mentally ill, but mommy and daddy used their money to hid it. But no one wants to stop a system in which money talks.

The Las Vegas shooting is beginning to look like an organized act. Any group with money and manpower will not be stopped by simply passing laws.  We need to find out who did it and why so that we can find these plots before they are carried out. That will not be accomplished by the less than astute among us blaming inanimate objects which might be used weapons.

Robert Joseph Underwood