Don't bury head in sand
Date: 2/1/2013
I was surprised by the recent thoughts of Councilor George Bitzas, who fears that the formation of a casino impact committee will somehow imply acceptance to the West Springfield location. This simply is not true.
Several years ago Agawam overwhelmingly opposed to a casino within its borders. How could anyone make the assumption that an impact study would imply advocacy, and especially to a casino location that abuts our town line? Using this line of reasoning, studying any issue at all would imply acceptance. Frankly, I've never heard of such a thing.
Should we not have our ducks in order when the state seeks to determine the casino's final location? Contrary to Councilor Bitzas, I actually believe that inaction implies acceptance. We should not be burying our heads in the sand at a time like this.
Donald Rheault
Agawam City Councilor