East Longmeadow Republican Town Committee July 4th Winners and Thank-Yous

Date: 7/13/2022

The East Longmeadow Parade Committee and supporters are pleased to announce the 2022 Award Winners… but first and foremost, we thank all of our parade attendees from communities near and far! The parade would not have been such a great success without you, Mother Nature cooperating with perfect parade weather or the assistance/donations from our sponsors.

Our sponsoring organizations and groups included: Custom Auto Body-Norris Truck & Trailer, Maybury Material Handling, Lenox-Stanley Black & Decker, Hampden Engineering, Joe Perriera, Stop & Shop, Donut Dip, the East Longmeadow Cultural Council, The Rotary Club of East Longmeadow, East Longmeadow Lions Club, Painted Signs, East Longmeadow Cable Access Television (ELCAT) and Town Offices of East Longmeadow Police Department, Fire Department and Department of Public Works.

The committee joins the East Longmeadow Fire Department in thanking this year’s judges ELFD Captain Chris Beecher and firefighter Edward McCandlish and congratulating the following fire departments for participating in the 2022 4th of July Parade and winning best in the following categories:

Best Appearing Overall Fire Apparatus – Shaker Pines Fire Department, 2019 Sutphen

Best Appearing Pumper – Shaker Pines Fire Department, 2019 Sutphen

Best Appearing Aerial/Platform – Longmeadow Fire Department, 2015 E-One

Best Appearing Tanker – Hampden Fire Department, 2012 KME Engine/Tanker

Best Appearing Antique – Agawam Fire District 2, 1987 Maxim

Next up are the 2022 East Longmeadow 4th of July Float Winners. For the top three Patriot Floats, 1st Place to the South Hadley Parade Committee, 2nd Place to the Springfield Elks Lodge, and 3rd Place to Cub Scouts 272. For the Hometown Float Awards: 1st Place to the East Longmeadow Marlins, 2nd Place to East Longmeadow Softball, and 3rd Place to Embracing the Creative Child. Last but not least for the floats are the Open Category Winners, 1st Place to the Chicopee St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, 2nd Place to Maybury Material Handling (Breast Cancer Awareness), and 3rd Place to the Brew Practitioners.

Congratulations to our Participating Musical Performers! Best Drum Major and Community Spirit Awards to the Polish American String Band, Best Marching Band to the Great American Marching Band, Best Color Guard to the Springfield Kiltie Band, Best Fife & Drum Corps to the Marquis of Granby, Best General Effect to the Yankee Doodle Band, Most Entertaining to the Windsor Fife & Drum Corps, and Best Cadence to the Hartford Steel Symphony.

From our Military Division to the local community members and groups to our local Shriners - special thanks and respect to all who made the 2022 East Longmeadow 4th of July Parade a great success! Hoping everyone has a safe and healthy rest of the summer. See you in 2023!

4th of July Parade Committee
East Longmeadow