On behalf of the East Longmeadow Police Department, Officer Barone and Officer Strohman, we would like to thank all who are currently participating in East Longmeadow's 2008 National Night Out on Aug. 5 from 5 - 8 p.m. at the East Longmeadow High School athletic field. A current list of activities that will be taking place at this event can be found by accessing the National Night Out icon on this Web site: www.eastlongmeadowweather.org. If you would like to participate, there is still time to sign up for this great community awareness event. This is not a commercial venue but it is a time for the townspeople to get together. All attendees will be able to meet with the emergency service providers such as police, fire, emergency management, ambulance service, etc. Hopefully we will have a visit from the Life Star helicopter and much more. It's a great time for children to be introduced to the police and fire department and know that they are there to help them in a friendly environment. We are looking for clubs, churches, any non-profit or organization that has contributed freely to the town in any way. You can call the police department at 525-5440 and ask for Barone or Strohman so as not to be left out of this great community event. Also, you can contact Susan or Albert Grimaldi at 525-3188. There is no charge to participate. All you have to do is bring a table and some type of information or brochures that shows what you have done for the town or what you would like to do, as long as it is for the good of the town and humanity. A great number of clubs, churches and non-profit organizations in East Longmeadow will be attending this event. What a great time to get your club, church or organization recognized for what you already do and maybe generate more interest in future projects. We do not allow any fundraising or selling of any items at this event. If you would like to bring something appropriate for snacking or drinking on a hot day, it would be welcomed but not required. Please coordinate your intentions with us prior to this event on Aug. 5. There will be two special events going on that require some planning. One is the American Red Cross Bloodmobile sponsored by St. Michael's Church. The American Red Cross will be accepting blood donors between the hours of 3 - 8 p.m. It would be very helpful if you would inform us of your advance intentions to donate blood and timeframe you would prefer. The Lions' Eyemobile will be in attendance doing free screenings for your eyes, hearing and blood pressure. If you would like to use the services of the District 33Y Eyemobile or donate blood to the American Red Cross, it would be great to make your intentions know to the Grimaldis at 525-3188. Most up-to-date information can be found by visiting www.eastlongmeadowweather and selecting the National Night Out icon. Why not plan on attending this event and see for yourself what makes East Longmeadow such a great community. Police Chief Douglas Mellis East Longmeadow Police Department |