Facebook isn’t for intelligent conversation

Date: 12/12/2018

Some Facebook Comments are simply name calling.  But in many cases the postings are by political “activists” whom I believe are simply following orders.    

There are few local issues that are not impacted by national issues.  The marijuana shops are an example.  

The pro-marijuana lobby is Democrat, and they support Democrats, the same Democrats who are the reason for a two-year-plus delay in marijuana shops long after people wanted marijuana shops.

The economy effects just about everything.  Free trade agreements have caused massive unemployment.  Both major parties helped pass them, except for President Trump.  So what does the Springfield City Council do?   After supporting the national Democratic free trade agenda, the voted to give themselves a raise.  In addition they voted to make the raise effect for the present city council.  Everyone knows that if a legislative body passes a raise for themselves it takes effect when the next body is elected.   

This was a clear case of the Springfield City Council trying to lessen the effect of the economy for themselves while everyone else suffers job losses and housing losses due to policies and national politicians that they support.   It is very difficult to write about his on Facebook and be flattering as the intellect of the people who voted for the raise.

Wanting to bring intelligent discussion of the issues on Facebook was a nice thought. But I do not see it happening anytime soon.

Robert Joseph Underwood