Date: 6/17/2020
I am pleased to offer my support to the current Selectman John Flynn in his reelection bid. John has served the Town of Hampden for many years as a selectman and his vast knowledge of the workings of town government is impossible to replace.
His experience is relied upon by many in the town offices and among volunteer office holders. His service to Hampden is not just limited to town government. His contributions both of his time and financially to groups such as the Senior Center, The Lions Club, the Theatre Guild, just to mention a few.
He and his former colleagues on the select board have always had the best interests of Hampden at the forefront. Their contributions helped the town achieve solid financial stability. With the probability of declining state aid ahead of us and other financial shortfalls, John’s experience and expertise are needed now more than ever.
I encourage the voters of Hampden to return John to office as he is indispensable to our town.
Robert L. Howarth