Future Senior Center has long history

Date: 4/28/2021

I am writing to make your readership aware of efforts in Wilbraham construct a new Senior Center. Members of the Senior Center Building Committee, appointed by the Wilbraham Board of Selectmen, has been meeting monthly, even through the pandemic, to discuss plans and strategies to make this happen in a fiscally responsible, yet progressive way. A way that meets the needs of our growing population of Seniors, without an additional tax burden to our community households. This nine-member group brings to the table a well- rounded array of talents, all focused on making this become a reality. We want the people of Wilbraham and surrounding communities to understand the issues we are evaluating in making our decisions. We invite you to review the present artist renderings of the building we envision. They can be found on the Town website: www.wilbraham-ma.gov. The link is located in the section: Town News.

Our present Committee is standing on the shoulders of many dedicated individuals who have been striving for years to improve services to our Town Seniors. As far back as 2012, the Wilbraham Board of Selectmen (BOS) charged a needs study committee to identify, assess and make recommendations concerning our present Senior Center in terms of its ability to provide for the current and anticipated needs of our Senior population. They came to the unanimous conclusion that even in 2012, and especially going forward from that time, the Town needed an adequately sized center to provide health, fitness, social, informational and meal programs for the increasing senior population.

In 2014, a Senior Center Feasibility Committee was charged with evaluating options for the relocation of our present Senior Center. By determining future programmatic needs and corresponding space needs, this group looked at the feasibility of renovating current Town properties, available lease space and building on town owned land. A public forum was held in November of 2019 where the Committee reported their findings and responded to questions raised. The Committee’s recommendation was the construction of a new building on Town owned property located at 240R Springfield St. At that time, the BOS accepted their recommendation. They, in turn, appointed the present Senior Center Building Committee to assist and advise in determining the time, expenses and operating costs associated with the proposed senior center at the site selected by the Feasibility Committee.

So there you have the history. We hope to provide information on a regular basis via this publication to help the reader to understand the value a Senior Center provides to a community and the issues faced in making it a new Senior Center a reality. In addition, we invite questions and observations to be submitted via email to seniorinfo2021@gmail.com. Members of our Committee will be happy to respond to your inquiries personally, and possibly even answer them in a public forum! So, get excited, this is going to be an awesome ride!!

Linda Cooper
Wilbraham Senior Center Building Committee