Date: 11/15/2011
The Destephano Family would like to thank all the people who were involved with the operation of the warming shelter at Birchland Park Middle School in East Longmeadow during the power outage caused by the early winter storm on Oct. 29. The 24-hour shelter was put in place by the selectmen and all of the town’s departments. The town of East Longmeadow did an amazing job of warming, feeding, bedding, entertaining, and professional health care for all of the attending guests. Many town residents volunteered to help, as well as many high school students and middle school students. The police department, fire department, housing department, planning board, Council on Aging, IT Department, Superintendent of Schools, school principals, school nurses, C.O.A. nurses, community RN’s, ELCAT, D.P.W. school teachers, school custodians, building inspector, electrical inspector, transportation department, Emergency Management team, school committee, and First Baptist Church. Special thanks to: Lori Pahl and her incredible food service staff who prepared and served delicious meals. Also, Gary Delise, Rich Freccero, Carolyn Brennan, Gordon Smith, Robin McDonald, Dr. Lamanski, Jack Villamaino, Ryan Quimby, Don Maki, Chief Mellis, Chief Brady, and the Tim Schranko family. We hope we didn’t forget any departments or people who volunteered as everyone was a big part of the success of the shelter. The appreciation of the residents, and the smile on their faces said it all. To all involved with the shelter, A Million Thanks!!!