Date: 1/31/2023
It is important to acknowledge the limitations on municipal government. We must act in accordance with federal and state laws, and the town’s own bylaws. Even as we have faithfully complied with the law, the town continues to be criticized, because people are not happy with the outcomes and refuse to accept them.
Of course, town government should be scrutinized. And criticism, when provided from an unbiased viewpoint and with the best interest of the town in mind, is a critical component of good government. But too often, people with their own agendas, inappropriately and with intentionally misleading justification, denounce the town’s actions. We cannot continue to accept or condone such statements.
I have spoken publicly about the Select Board’s inability to revoke certain statutory appointments because of state law, and to remove elected officials because we do not have a recall bylaw. As a result, we have few options to address errant behavior, and are publicizing complaints in order to comply with our legal and moral mandate of protecting people who have been unfairly targeted, especially town employees. It is ironic that some who complain about the public nature of the complaints have also frequently complained that the town is not being transparent.
There are those who continue to feel that their perspective is the only one. For those of us who can be open to other viewpoints, we can work together and move forward.
I have invested the last 18 months in working for the town, and look forward to the next 18. I know how much there is to do, and I am hopeful that we can address the real issues and not be sidetracked by the personal and personality issues that continue to usurp our time and energy. I am hopeful that we can move forward in a non-partisan and cooperative fashion. I am hopeful that we can be kind to each other. I am hopeful that we can learn how to compromise when that’s necessary. I am hopeful that when residents see that we are determined and loyal to making improvements, they will join with their approval, and maybe even feel moved to volunteer. We love and appreciate our town and are doing our best to make it its best.
Patricia A. Oney
Monson Select Board