Gratitude for Lopez

Date: 11/14/2023

During the wind blast frozen Tuesday night, voters approaching we remaining sign holders at the Ward 9 poll were exuberant and delighted to have voted for Delmarina for mayor. At 6:45 p.m. one gentleman stated he voted for Delmarina as she had spent 40 minutes at his home discussing, learning and gaining insight to represent constituents and the area. Delmarina continually visited streets and spent time to gain invaluable understanding to know and to represent.

To insist upon the truth and to Better Best represent is the genuine character of a truly unique exceptional leader Lopez.

Delmarina also ran a high standard ethical campaign with the most wonderful, warm, genuine people I have ever met in my life. Actually, this is not surprising as Delmarina and each of her family members are indeed warm wonderful genuine individuals.

I would cast my vote without hesitation for the Better Best Mayor Lopez again and again as the utmost authentic leader.

Thank you Delmarina for enabling so many Chicopee residents to stand up, speak out and to vote for standards of excellence and integrity for true representation. You have indeed awakened and inspired the now many and the future more to continually question and demand only Better Best truth and representation to ensure our voice, rights, life quality, and public safety.

Chicopee will be fortunate when Lopez leadership once again will inspire Chicopee voters at the next election for Mayor Lopez for our Better Best Chicopee. Why? Because as residents, our lives aspire to our very Better Best. We deserve and are entitled to absolute truth and representation to protect our Better Best quality of life, homes, neighborhoods, roads and public safety.

As you personally come or Zoom in to public input to see, hear and know our Chicopee elected at our Chicopee meetings, please compile a score notebook listing and identifying serious issues; when, how, and by whom our voices, input, rights and law are accepted or disregarded; as well as if procedures and process deliberately fail, under minded, or are upheld and by whom? Also, identify who tells the truth and represents who and what?

Then at the next election, look at your score book as to who tells the truth and represents rather than listening to the anonymous rhetoric, “they say,” jibs and jabs, lip service and lip sinking.

We each deserve and need to perform our very Better Best.

Sue Nimchick