Interstate, casino connected
Date: 11/21/2014
We all agree that the highway needs to be repaired. On every overpass one can see rusted steel. In the case of highways through cities, many of the people have no wish to drive through the city, but they are forced if they want to use the highway. The original idea of I-91 going through rural Agawam had merit.
If we do anything but repair I-91, it will require more space. I have not read an explanation as to how lowering it to street level would help us have access to the river. I suppose there would be pedestrian bridges, for a while. How long did the pedestrian bridge over I-291 last? It lasted long enough to get people to agree to the highway.
I think we need only look at the history of Gerena School and the “Big Dig” to see what happens when you put things underground near a body of water.
We can look at what happened the last time space was needed for I-91. The houses are not in a high priced neighborhood. MGM promised to not take houses, the state made no such promise. Highway projects have been a favorite method of “urban renewal.” If space is needed the owners will be given a pittance and a wish for a happy house hunting. Tenants behind in rent will have no place to go. The $85 million license fee for the casino will fund many patronage jobs. Are there any incumbents who does not want one? The area along the highway has a low voter turnout. My guess is that the casino will no longer be surrounded by a depressed area.
Robert Joseph Underwood Springfield