Date: 1/22/2020
I would like Mr. Trump to explain why he is so determined to derail the impeachment process if, in fact as he always says, he hasn't done anything wrong. Just the fact that he has forbidden people to testify in the process should bring up a red flag about him.The amount and depth of his constant lying never changes.
His continuing adolescent name calling for anyone who disagrees with him, along with other such behaviors, such as demeaning the young lady – Greta Thunberg – who was Time’s person of the year simply because he – Trump – didn’t get that recognition simply supports the fact that in his warped mind he is the only one that matters and everyone else is subservient to him.
He has done more damage to this country than any individual in history and he seems determined to live up to his belief that he is above all laws at every level. The fact that people still support him despite his being a racist and a misogynist, among other negative things that fully depict his belief that he can knowingly and consistently break laws and continue to do his best to split this country to a degree that hasn’t existed since the Civil War simply demonstrates the level of mental illness that he has.
He is a scary person, especially with the amount of power he has given himself as “King” Donald for whom even civility is a dirty word, should energize as many people as possible to vote against him.
Imagine that a man who used money and fake x-rays to avoid serving his country is now in a position where normal practices before waging war mean nothing to him.
While my comments are not about Republicans and Democrats, I must ask what has happened to the Republicans which used to represent all of us, not just Trump and McConnell. Why are people apparently afraid to confront him about the lies and the illegal actions that he continues to utilize without any concern for this country?
Allen G. Zippen