Judge’s decision raises questions

Date: 12/21/2022

In a recent decision by the judge in the case of Garvey, et.al. vs. the town of Hampden, several questions arose. Namely, “Is it possible that as alleged by the self-storage speculators and bolstered by less than accurate and self-serving statements by former Chair of the Planning Board Matthews, a vast conspiracy was concocted to deprive the self-storage speculators their constitutional rights?A conspiracy so vast that it involved, a former judge, a now resigned member of the Planning Board, the Selectmen, the town administrator, the newly appointed Planning Board members, the attorney representing more than 500 residents, who signed a petition opposing the project, and the 500 residents themselves. It’s crazy. The Citizens of Hampden’s constitutional rights, in effect, are being challenged.

What is clear is that the town of Hampden residents do not believe that a self-storage facility in the center of town, at the gateway to our community, built on a water supply district, is aligned with the rural nature of town. At least two members of the Planning Board agree with this sentiment. Additionally, not a single resident came forward in support of the special permit, yet the speculators continue to force the issue.

A well-attended Town Meeting has gone as far as giving authority to the Selectmen to begin negotiations to purchase the property. Many in town believe that the crown jewel and gateway to our town should be and can be reflective of our values as a quiet “rural” community, not a gateway to transient and hidden storage materials. A simple search of the self-storage industry highlights how the risks of hazardous materials and refuse are cheaply stored in these units. “It’s cheaper that a dumpster,” says an insider.

Finally, I believe that an appropriate state agency should step in and conduct an investigation to find out what really happened and to exonerate all the town officials and residents that have been disparaged by the Garvey/Cimmino/Matthews effort. An effort to force a compromise to the rural nature of our town, so a couple of speculators can make some money, sell the place, and leave us with a mess.

Joe Sibilia