Keep Western Mass Casino-Free

Date: 8/6/2014

On behalf of Repeal the Casino Deal and No Casino Springfield, we are writing to sincerely thank the residents of Springfield, Longmeadow, East Longmeadow, Hampden and Wilbraham for their overwhelming support in the effort to keep western Massachusetts casino-free. As you may have heard, the State Supreme Judicial Court decided 7-0 to allow the casino repeal question on the ballot in November. This victory would not have been possible were it not for the efforts of the thousands of western Massachusetts residents who signed the petition (1,644 certified in Longmeadow alone, and over 2,000 in Springfield), and the many volunteers who helped collect those signatures. We were fortunate to have volunteers from Glenmeadow, local religious groups, and concerned citizens from all ages, walks of life, from Springfield and surrounding communities, and from across the political spectrum. 

It is very important to underscore the fact that the mitigation deals between the surrounding communities and MGM will not come close to covering the costs to the town will incur because of the casino. There is no windfall to be had, as was highlighted by the comments of two Longmeadow Select Board members in a recent article in The Republican.

Thanks to western Massachusetts, and many others in communities around the state, we will be able to stand up to the casino industry and their lobbyists who pushed through this shortsighted and ill-conceived legislation. Please join us in voting “Yes” on Question 3 in November. Fix the casino mess, vote “Yes.”

Michelle and Ted Steger