Lifeline saves lives

Date: 4/18/2011

After checking my blood pressure from a monitoring box and weighing myself from a scale that was put into my living room. Having done ok on March 27, I followed instructions on March 28 around 8 a.m. Told by the scale to step off, I went airborne, landing on the couch cushion and floor between the card table.

My upper head was on the cushion of the couch, whereas my body was on my right arm. Lucky me, I had my Lifeline on my left wrist.

Help arrived in less than 12 minutes. Then Officer Niznek arrived, followed by two ambulance personnel. After untangling me, I was taken to Mercy Hospital's ER which I left that same day at 4:15 p.m. to be transported to Health South Rehab in Ludlow. Today is April 7. I returned home after 10 days of therapy, no broken bones ,just a bruised arm and ache all over.

Remember to purchase and wear your Lifeline or other help device. Lifeline saved my life.

June Goewey

East Longmeadow

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