Longmeadow needs a dog park
Date: 1/10/2012
January 9,2012 I have been a resident of Longmeadow for most of my life and it is a wonderful place to live.
I am also an animal lover and have noticed for years that there is no place for dog owners to let their dogs run and play together.
I keep driving past the “old” tennis courts on the corner of Bliss and Laurel streets and think to myself, what a great place for a “dog park.” It is already fenced in and with work from volunteers who are fellow dog lovers we could make it a fantastic place for our dogs to meet and play.
We are kind of behind the times when it comes to doing things like that. I would head up the project myself by getting people who have some free time to get the courts cleaned up and ready. I think most people who have a dog would love the idea. We really do not have a place for our dogs to run around and those courts are just deteriorating year after year.
If anyone reading this is interested I will get up a petition and present it to the town Recreation Department. You can reach me at 567-5726 and maybe we can put a plan together for a design. What a great spot!
Linda Underwood