Managing college debt

Date: 6/2/2016

Thank you to Minnechaug Regional High School and Keith Poulin for hosting the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority when we met with families of graduating seniors on April 13 to talk about analyzing college financial aid awards and developing a plan to pay for college.

This was one of 25 “Paying the College Bill” seminars we held statewide this spring.

As the state's authority on planning, saving and paying for college, the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority helps families and students plan for the future. We offer more than 400 seminars annually across Massachusetts thanks in large part to the partnership of high schools and counselors.

We realize many families with busy schedules miss the seminars, so we developed a webinar series.  They can watch live or recorded webinars at their convenience on a computer to get the same great information by visiting

Martha Savery
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority