Media need to stop demonizing voters

Date: 10/11/2023

As the last two and a half years of the Biden presidency have shown us, and today’s polls tell us, the New York Times columnist Charles Blow needs to write an opinion like his recent article, “What Trump Means by ‘People.’”

True to form for the NYT, is to not debate the men who want to rule or the issues at hand, but to now blame the people who will vote again in 2024. In the NYT world, the right to vote is as American as apple pie until the candidate with the most votes becomes an utter failure, as the polls show. The fact that polls are in the toilet for Biden is because a lot of people voted for Biden, and today a lot of people are very disappointed.

The NYT circles back to blaming the guy who lost the election instead of the Big Guy who won the election and lost the support of “the people,” and even now lost support of many in his own party. It is hard to brag on the accomplishments of their guy, so now call the future 2024 voters stupid for the way they may vote. Look for the return of NYT-sponsored style of the “Russian collusion” smear campaign, or some version of it to be determined at a later date.

  The fact that a majority of the voters want something for themselves or their country is good for Mr. Blow except when the majority of voters do not want what the same thing that he and the NYT want. He has no shame to call Americans names like xenophobes and subversives if they don’t like what the Biden administration has given us. He has no shame to play the race card, as so many in the media also try to do.

The agenda that Mr. Blow and most others in the media won’t talk about is the annoying little things in life that concern American voters. The economy, inflation, crime, immigration, and the right to raise a family as you wish are not on the list of items that play into this NYT opinion.

Believe it or not, Mr. Blow, what benefits most of “the people” actually is called a democracy and not your trickle-down theory of socialism. Talk about what issues are at hand and accomplishments your agenda has produced, and maybe voters will listen.

Rich Hilbert
