Date: 2/26/2016
I would like to comment on two letters from the Feb. 18, 2016 Reminder. I agree with the article “Don’t Blame the Contract.” In the past, if we have approved at Town Meeting the allocation of funding for our Police Department’s budget, we must be confident it is being used for “protecting the property, rights of the citizens and enforcing the laws of the town, the Commonwealth and the country.”
Chief Mellis has shown a high level of professionalism during his time as police chief. Let’s show our support and appreciation for our police chief that’s been an asset to the town, setting aside any possible personal agendas.
As to the Recreation Department working on a feasibility study creating field space located at Heritage Park, how quickly we forget the money we spent on the fiasco at Brown’s Farm only to result in having tomato plants – now on to Heritage Park!
Skip Livingstone
East Longmeadow