More Commercial?

In the April 10, 2008 edition of the Longmeadow News, Alex J. Grant wrote a very interesting, I suppose hypothetical, scenario bedroom community, to something more commercial. I wonder if Mr. Grant knows something the rest of us don't as he obviously spent some time to research the possible alternative. From how clients now come to The Shops, to "choke points" in our road system. He goes into more detail than is warranted for a casual observation. He obviously looked into re-zoning for commercial.

I am curious as to what Mr. Grant knows about any plans to change Longmeadow in a way he described which would make Longmeadow another East Longmeadow. He wants to make Longmeadow into the town East Longmeadow morphed into during the last half of the 20th century. Please Mr. Grant, leave our unique town alone! If you want to live in the kind of town you described, my recommendation to you is "Go East, Young Man." There's a town already set up to your specifications East Longmeadow.

To my friends in Longmeadow, just be aware there are people looking to do what Mr. Grant suggests. Let's beware of another water/sewer fiasco.

Susan and Sam Altman
