Mosque doesn’t fit in town center

Date: 11/11/2016

I am a Christian who respects everyone's right to practice their own religion. However, with that being said, just because a building is a house of worship, should not entitle it to be built in such a way that it detracts from the beauty and architecture of the town. In my personal opinion, we already have one church in town that was allowed to be built in that fashion (Kibbe Road). I hope there is some way to prevent another, especially near the center of town.

It appears that both Jay LeFebvre and Greg Neffinger are out to “stick it to the town.” However, the taxpayers in this town should not have to be the victims of their vendetta. It is our right to live in a town that is aesthetically pleasing. It is both what we bought into and continue to pay for with our tax dollars. Want to build a mosque, fine, go back to the drawing board and design a building that will fit in with the architecture of the town.

As a side note, when Community Feed was sold and tore down, I was under the impression that there was a clause in the sale that stated that the train depot would remain there. I don’t recall a time frame being set. I could be mistaken, but I believe that should be researched.

I hope our Town Council protects our town.

Cherie Bordoni
East Longmeadow