My Christmas playlist

Date: 12/23/2019

Hi Payton-

Thanks for your column today - we are aligned! I¹m a 60 year old guy who has been developing an eclectic Christmas playlist for the last 10 years or so; I literally spend hours each year selecting the songs.

I give out about 100 CDs (although the first option now is a link to Spotify) to friends, family and co-workers each year. So- have your bah humbug co-workers listen to these interesting Christmas options, and see if this stuff (the year¹s playlist below) is part of the 99 percent trash. I have to say, I have not included Michael Buble on any year; not because he can’t sing, but because I find him pompous (“Here is my Christmas gift to you!” he says before one song). Get over yourself. Anyway-hope you enjoy my list!

Jim Moriarty